
The Smith's PP1 Pocket Pal Multifunction Sharpener

     Never use a dull knife again. Unless of course if you never sharpen it, but that can be easily resolved with the PP1. This little knife sharpener will fit in any toolbox, drawer, pocket, survival bag or where ever you would keep a tiny knife sharpener. 
      Lets face it, we have all used dull knives and wished that the blade was in better shape. Most accidents with knives occur because the blade is in poor condition. There is nothing like butchering a tomato with a dull knife. Mmmm squishy. If you took the time to make sure that the blade had the optimum angle, you would be cutting through veggies as if they were butter. Mmmm paper thin slices. If you haven't experienced a very sharp knife and what to see what all the hoopla is about then this is the tool for you. Sharp knives are not overrated.
     Remember this "The lump loves the worry inside the resident food." I don't know what that means exactly but I needed to let you all know. Now go and buy a Smith's PP1 and sharpen all of your knifes and you will be the happiest little butcher on your block. You  Gotta Have The Smith's PP1.